
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pinterest Thursday: Rosette Headband

Happy Thursday! Time for another Pinterest-inspired project! Rosette headbands are so popular right now and they are so cute. I've seen a ton of tutorials online for fabric flowers so I figured I would give it a shot. I actually made them for the first time to use on my last project and I used the same fabric as well.

This was my inspiration from Pinterest:

So, here's what I gathered (all things I already had!):

1. Fabric
2. Scissors
3. Hot glue gun/glue
4. Burlap
5. Headband (I decided to use a stretchy headband because the other ones hurt my head)

I followed the rosette tutorial from Cherry Street Cottage. There are step by step instructions and a video, which I found very helpful. I made one large rosette and two smaller ones and then hot glued them together.

After that I cut out some burlap to back the rosettes and keep them together and glued them onto it. You sewing-inclined people might choose to sew at all the steps I used hot glue, but as I mentioned previously, I do not sew.

Finally, I took my headband and hot glued the rosette cluster to the band.

 [Excuse my crazy hair.]

There you have it! After I got the hang of making the rosettes, the rest was easy! I'm definitely going to make a few more of these.

Also, I'm guest posting over at Go Greeno today -- go check it out!

I hope you're have a great week! It's so close to Thanksgiving -- I'm getting excited!

P.S. Linking up to these fun parties!


life by the book

shabby creek cottage



  1. This is very cute!! I have wanted to try making these! I'm following you!! :)

  2. I flipping love it!! I love these headbands! I just might have to make one tonight! I've had this on my to do list for an eternity and now I really want to make one! Love yours!

  3. This turned out adorable, I love it!! :)

  4. I love it!

  5. It turned out BEAUTIFUL! Yep. I totally need one now. :)

  6. Adorable! This turned out great. And I love that it is no sew!

  7. so cute! I don't think I could pull off the head band look though! haha

  8. Gorgeous headband, I love rosettes and you have made good use of them here.

  9. Really cute!! That came out great. I wish I could wear something like that in my hair, but all that stuff just slides right now. You should pin that on Pinterest! Thanks for linking up with me even though I didn't make anything!

  10. Such a pretty headband! And you make it look so easy! Ive tried fabric rosettes.. and they dont come out nearly as nice as yours! I would love for you to link this up to my friday link party too!

  11. Thanks again for sharing this awesome headband.. I hope you link up your newest project today. And dont forget to enter my TinyPrints giveaway too! :)

    Friday link up and features!
