
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday Treasures - Tutus & Tea Parties

Happy Tuesday again everyone! For my second Tuesday Treasure post I wanted to show some love to my bloggy friend and link party co-host Lauren from Tutus & Tea Parties. [If you don't know what Tuesday Treasures is, check here]


Lauren's blog is full of crafts, life, and fun stuff for kiddos. She offers tutorials, crochet patterns, recipes, advice for blogging, crafting competitions, and more. Also, she is one of the nicest people I have met through blogging!

Go check her out to see the following projects, and more!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Aww Liz, you are too sweet! Thanks so much for having me for your Tursday Treasures! xoxo
