
Friday, March 29, 2013

Family Tree Poster - with Hands!

Hey All! Happy Friday! We've had a busy week here, getting used to being parents to our two crazy little boys. If you want to read some more about our foster care journey, you can check out our other blog, let's [foster] love.

Anyway, I wanted to make something visual to help the boys learn about their family (most of whom live in another state). So, we made a family tree with our hand prints!

For this project we used:
Poster Board
Colored Copy Paper (or construction paper)
Markers and Crayons

I traced all of our hand prints (even a few of Handy Andy's Dad's), cut them out, and wrote all of our family's names on them. Then I drew two trees, so the boys could learn both of our families. The trees come together where Handy Andy and I are (I'm also adding hands for the boys, but I can't share their names on here, so I left them off for the picture). Over the weekend we will start to add pictures of everyone so they can learn their names and faces.

Hopefully, this will help the boys get to know our families, even if they can't meet them all right away! They are really excited about all their cousins. :)

Thanks for stopping by! 
Come back tomorrow for the Pinteresting Link Party!

1 comment:

  1. Great project! Thanks for sharing this at my Pin Me Linky Party. I hope you come visit & link again.
