
Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Pinteresting Link Party - Week 89

A Pinteresting Link Party - Week 89

 I hope everyone had a great week! Thanks so much for sharing your project and inspiring us!

My favorite from last week is:

This Bandana Twirl Skirt from Life with Lovebugs is beyond adorable! I'm going to have to make a few of these for my little nieces!

Now let's party!

::The Rules are Simple:: 
You must have a Pinterest account to link up so you can Pin each other 
(that's the whole idea of the party)
 Link up your posts, no shops or giveaways.
Add the party button to your blog or link back here somewhere. 
Visit each other (it is a party after all) and pin some posts. 
Optional: share and invite your friends to join in!

Follow us on Pinterest:

Tutus & Tea Parties I Here's to Handy Andy
I Dreamsicle Sisters

{follow our boards to see what projects we pin each week}

Grab the party button!

Here's to Handy Andy
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Here's to Handy Andy"><img src="" alt="Here's to Handy Andy" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Don't forget to spread the word! Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. Hi Liz! Thanks for having us week after week! Just followed you on bloglovin!
    Beth @ The First Year Blog


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